Setting up an engine#

This step is only required if you are using an intermediate engine (or message broker) to communicate between the main server and the clients. The engine can be something as simple as a folder in your filesystem, or a more complicated entity such as a Redis database.

Installing Redis locally#

Install Redis using brew:

brew install redis

Then, start the Redis service with:

brew services start redis

Instead of using brew services, you can also start Redis manually with:

redis-server /usr/local/etc/redis.conf

On Debian-based systems (e.g., Ubuntu), run:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install redis-server

On RHEL-based systems (e.g., CentOS, Fedora), run:

sudo yum install redis

On SUSE-based systems (e.g., openSUSE), run:

sudo zypper install redis

Then, enable and start the Redis service:

sudo systemctl enable redis
sudo systemctl start redis

Accessing the Redis Database#

You can access the Redis database by using the command line interface:


To change databases, we should note that Redis does not use separate databases. Rather, it uses namespaces. By default, Redis provides 16 namespaces, numbered from 0 to 15. Within the redis-cli environment, you can switch between namespaces using the SELECT command followed by the namespace number.


Retrieving Redis Credentials#

Redis does not require a username by default. To set a password for your Redis server, open the Redis configuration file (/usr/local/etc/redis.conf on macOS or /etc/redis/redis.conf on Linux) and find the line that starts with # requirepass. Uncomment the line and set the password after requirepass:

requirepass your_password

Save the file and restart the Redis service.

This file should also contain the port the Redis engine is listening on. These credentials are important and are going to be used later.

Hosting Redis on the Cloud#

Several cloud providers offer managed Redis services, which can save you the effort of setting up, managing, and scaling your Redis instances (for a cost). Some options include:

Choose a provider, sign up for an account, and follow their instructions to create and configure a Redis instance. The provider’s documentation should also include instructions on how to retrieve the credentials (username, password, port number etc).


As the Redis engine serves as a middle layer between the client and server, it is often widely accessible. Make sure your engine is secure in production.